Youth Ministry Participant Form

Youth Ministry Participant Form

  • Basic Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Family Information

  • Communication

    One of the primary ways we provide information and inform you of upcoming events and schedule changes is through texting. We also frequently use emails, the website and our Hiland FaceBook page. In the fields below, please indicate which cell(s) and which email(s) you would prefer we use for communication. At least one cell and one Email is required.
  • Photo Release

    Your permission is required for photographs of the student listed above to be published on the website of Hiland Presbyterian Church, in Hiland printed publications, and audio/video presentations of Hiland youth group activities for publicity purposes. I understand that these photos can be viewed by anyone in the world, but no identifying information will be displayed.
  • Permission for Youth Ministry Trips and Events

    My child (named above) may take part in field trips, retreats, mission trips, or any other excursions under appropriate supervision of a representative of Hiland Presbyterian Church.
  • Medical History and Insurance Information

  • If the student has no allergies, please enter "none"
  • If the student has no physical restrictions, please enter "none"
  • If student is not currently on any medications, please enter "none"
  • ie: vegetarian, lactose intolerant, etc. If student has no dietary restrictions, please enter "none"
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment and Liability Release

    I hereby authorize a representative of Hiland Presbyterian Church to give consent for the medical treatment of my child in the event of illness or injury. I further release Hiland Presbyterian Church, its employees, and its volunteers from any liability in the event of any accident en route, during, or returning from any church events and/or trips. In case of emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as a parent or guardian. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician or medical professional selected by the church representative to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as needed.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY