Hiland has a long tradition of a strong Youth Ministry. We are passionate about providing a safe place for our young people to grow in their faith and as individuals. We accomplish this through a focus on healthy relationships and sharing the love of Christ with each other and the world.
Fill out the Youth Ministry Participant Form
There are a couple of annual events that are designed to embody the foundations that our youth program is built on.
Work Camp - Our youth have the opportunity to participate in our intergenerational Work Camp. We try to do something different each year whether it be location, or type of service. The point is to spend a week together in service to the Kingdom. This event is a “pinnacle event” in many of our student’s faith journeys and lives. The students and leaders experience much growth through working side by side to serve others, worshiping together, and many other built-in growth experiences. One aspect of work camp that is often overlooked because of all of the “growth” is that it is just plain fun to go on these trips and work alongside each other.
Trinity Youth Conference (TYC) - is a week-long event for high school youth (who are at least 15 years of age and have completed 9th grade by the July deadline) and college-age young adults. TYC focuses on spiritual and leadership development, discipleship, and evangelism through daily worship, small group activities, and various workshops with topics based on the theme.
We have several activities that we participate in that are excellent in helping our students develop a sense of personal enrichment – regular participation in local mission agencies, retreats focused on spiritual growth, and leadership conferences. We always try to look for new opportunities for our students to encounter new faith experiences. Below are some of the regular opportunities we encourage students to participate in.
North Hills Back Pack Initiative - The Backpack Initiative helps West View Elementary families in need of weekend food for their children. At the end of the week each child will receive a bag we packed right here with child-friendly, single-serving snacks and easily prepared meals. There is something for everyone to do!!! We need packers, delivery people and food donations.
Relationship Building - Along with all of our faith building experiences we are deliberate in modeling behavior that encourages our young people to support each other in their school and extracurricular activities. Many of our volunteer leaders are regulars at school plays, musicals, concerts, sporting events, etc. We also encourage students to support each other by going to these events and cheering each other on. This helps to build relationships and break down barriers that might otherwise remain due to cliques and stereotypes. We really try to love each other!