Is Hiland Right for Me?

That's the question, isn't it?

Is Hiland right for me? Is Hiland right for my family?

Only you can answer that question. We've tried to supply you with enough information to help you make that very important decision. We hope you come to visit with us in worship and experience what we couldn't put on this website - the welcoming fellowship of the Hiland family. Please contact us with any questions you may have or call us at 412-364-9000.

Find out more about what we believe.


Some of our Hiland family wanted to share with you why Hiland is their church home:

“What is special about our church is that if there is a need, the Hiland community responds immediately with prayers, food, cards, visits and genuine concern. It has been said that the prayers of the Hiland people go directly heavenward. I do believe that’s true." -Ann M.

"For twenty years, Hiland church has been part of our family, through joyful and difficult times. We are so thankful for the close relationships and for the growth we have all experienced in our faith through our involvement at Hiland. It is a source of great comfort and joy for all of us." -Kim, Curt, Grant and Todd F.

There is a great sense of community and feeling of love here at Hiland that we as a family felt right away. Hiland offers something for every member of our family! We are so happy to be a part of the Hiland Family! -Jennifer and Peter B.

"I first visited Hiland in 1995. What first attracted me was the warm and friendly congregation. Soon after I began attending regularly, I saw that Hiland was a church looking outward, with a clear emphasis on social action, that is, being compassionate to the world, with a goal of glorifying God. Another thing I love is the spirit of inquiry and acceptance of differing viewpoints. The best part of being at Hiland is that I feel that people accept me as I am. My family situation is a little unusual, with my husband and children being a different faith. The Hiland family has welcomed me and my family. Since I became a member, my faith in Jesus has become richer and deeper." -Carolyn G.

"When I first entered Hiland Presbyterian Church in 1962, I was impressed with the beauty and simplicity of the sanctuary and endeared by its history; the hilltop wooden platform covered by an open-air tent of the 1790's; a log cabin; finally a brick sanctuary with painted leaded windows. The diverse congregation and the minister welcomed me with love. It was an inspiring church then and now." - Mary Jane H.

"Hiland Church has so much to offer for those of you who are looking for a place to worship our Lord. Whatever age you might be, there is surely something of interest here for you. So come and see if this is not the right place for you." -William W.