Welcome to Hiland!

9:30 AM Sunday Worship

845 Perry Hwy, Pgh, PA 15229


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Looking to the Triune God as the wind in our sails, our fortress in times of adversity, and the driving force of our lives, we at Hiland Presbyterian Church joyfully and reverently praise God, learn from God’s living Word, lean on one another, and share Christ’s love. 


Rooted in over 220 years of history in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, we at Hiland Presbyterian Church affirm that God creates the diverse peoples of the earth to be one universal family, and loves and accepts each person through God’s unlimited grace. Inspired by Jesus’ message in Matthew 25, we discover our Savior in those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, and in prison, recognizing that we all, in our own unique ways, are each of these things. As we love and support each other, we empower each person in our church community to use their gifts and passions to play an active role in serving our community. 


10/6/2024 Worship Guide 

Our livestream is up and running on Hiland’s YouTube channel.

Here’s the livestream link

New Member Class

Are you looking for a church home? Would you like to learn more about Hiland Church, its history, ministries or how to become a member? Then please speak with Pastor Elisabeth after worship or contact her during office hours at 412-364-9000 or via email at hilandpastor@gmail.com about attending the New Member Inquiry Class. We look forward to getting to know one another better.

Blessing Box

Hiland’s Blessing Box is always open! Located across from the Sanctuary side entrance doorway, the Hiland Blessing Box is open for donation or need. Your non-perishables and/or toiletries are greatly appreciated and you may donate directly into the box.  There is no lock on the door and items are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Should you have a need please check the blessing box as it is there for you.

Hiland Presbyterian Church / 845 Perry Hwy, Pgh, 15229 / 412-364-9000 / hilandchurchoffice@gmail.com