Financially Supported

Hiland has been a long-time supporter, both financially and with countless volunteer hours, of a variety of domestic and local ministries. These ministries include:

The Presbyterian Church has been engaged in international mission work since the 1830’s and has one of the strongest mission traditions of any Protestant denomination. Hiland continues this tradition of international Presbyterian missions by supporting the following partners:


Hiland Presbyterian Church, through its members and the Social Action and Mission Committee, partners with Christian missionaries in the United States and throughout the world who preach the Good News to those who do not know Christ, as we seek to be faithful to God’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20). We also partner with those ministries that provide “a cup of cold water” in Jesus’ name (Mark 9:41) by meeting the physical and material needs of those in our community and around the world.
In doing so, we seek to embrace, illuminate, and inspire the fulfillment of the second greatest commandment—love your neighbor as yourself.
As we further develop these partnerships in the coming years, through our financial and prayer support, and by having visiting missionaries teach and preach at Hiland about God’s work through their ministries, our goal is to continue to expand the mission of the congregation in order to have a global mission footprint, as well as nurture our own spiritual growth and that of our church family by serving the needs of individuals and families within our church and the surrounding community.